Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Vacuum Coffee Maker

A vacuum coffee maker brews coffee using two compartments where steam pressure and vacuum produce coffee which comes out crisp,smooth,clean and rich compared to other styles of brewing methods. This type of coffee brewer is also known as a vac pot, siphon or syphon coffee maker and was created by a guy named Loeff of Berlin Germany in the 1830s. These vacuum coffee makers have been around and used for many years and in different parts of the world. The composition, style and design of the vacuum coffee maker can vary. The material in the chamber can be from many different types. Such as plastic,pyrex and metal. The filter component can be a screen made of metal,paper,cloth or nylon. Or it could be a glass rod. The Napier Vacuum Machine was presented in 1840 and is a basic early example of this technique. Vacuum coffee makers were extremely complex for everyday use. They were prized for making a nice clean clear brew of coffee and were very beloved in the middle of the 20’th century.